1166 poze   96530 vizite
A - ASOCIATIA JUDETEANA COLUMBOFILA GALATIB - AVIZIER - Anunturi   EXPO EUROPEANA METZ 2015C - Sectiunea crescatorilor de iepuri   Conceptul de rasa pura   Considerente despre tatuaj   Cresterea iepurilor - o pasiune   Criterii de apreciere a iepurilor   Pregatirea iepurilor ptr expozitieD - MEMBRI ACTIVI sectiunea IEPURI AJColumbofila Galati   01 - Marcel Balan   02 - Stefan Eftimie   03 - Valentin Filip   04 - Sandor Brugger   05 - Marian PirvuE - FORMULARE DE EVIDENTA pentru IEPURII DE RASA   l - Certificatele de origine   l - Fisa de monta   l - Fisa observatii femela   l - Fisa observatii mascul   l - Registrul genealogicF - INFORMATII DIVERSE   Crescatorii cunicole - modele   Diverse accesorii   Linkuri si adrese utile   Literatura de specialitate   Propunere pentru sigla club   Rabbit ArtG - EXPOZITII ORGANIZATE DE AJ COLUMBOFILA GALATI   Cupa Dunarii Galati feb 2010 - ed I   Cupa Dunarii Galati nov 2010 ed IIH - EXPOZITII si AD GENERALE LA CARE AU PARTICIPAT MEMBRII AJC GALATI   Ad generala alegeri Lugoj 2015      Sedinta alegeri sectia iepuri   Ad Generala Uniune Galati 2011      Sedinta sectiunea iepuri   Ad generala Uniune Sibiu 2011      Sedinta sectia iepuri   Europashau Leipzig 2012   Expo Fauna Bucuresti 2013   Expozitia Constanța 2020   Expozitia europeana Leipzig 2012   Expozitia Europeana Metz 2015   Expoziția Luduș 2014   Expoziția Națională Băicoi 2017   Expozitia Nationala Cluj 2013   Expozitia Nationala Galati 2011   Expozitia nationala Suceava 2014   Expozitia zonala Iasi 2014I - PREGATIRE ARBITRI IEPURI   Reuniune Brasov 2011   Reuniune Moeciu de Jos 2016   Reuniune Onești 2013   Reuniune Râșnov 2017J - STANDARDE RASE de IEPURI   a 1 - RASE URIASE      1 Urias gri si alte culoriK - CRESCATORI DIN TARA   Billius Mircea - Suceava   Dumitru Logigan - Iasi

membru din 22 February 2011

B - AVIZIER - Anunturi


PREDEAL 27- 29 IAN 2017
PREDEAL 27- 29 IAN 2017
CONSTANȚA 27-29 IAN 2017
CONSTANȚA 27-29 IAN 2017
Gherla  - 2-5 feb 2017
Gherla - 2-5 feb 2017
Targu Secuiesc 10-12 FEB 2017
Targu Secuiesc 10-12 FEB 2017
Cluj 20-22 ian 2017
Cluj 20-22 ian 2017
15-17 ian 2016
15-17 ian 2016

Comentarii album • 51
kadarattila 17 September 2015  
multumim pentru anunt
ClubIepuriGalati 29 July 2015  
Anunț – Participare Expo Metz 2015


Asociatiile, cluburile membre UGCPPAMR sunt rugate ca pana la data de 15.08.2015 sa comunice pe adresa de email liviuvasile24@yahoo.com formularele de inscriere completate electronic, centralizat, cu nominalizarile participante la a 28-a expozitie europeana de pasari de curte, porumbei, iepuri, pasari si cobai organizata la METZ – 2015.

Nominalizarile se vor efectua pe asociatii sau cluburi care vor centraliza formularele de inscrire comunicate de EE aflate la finalul acestui articol (in limba engleza). Formularele de inscrierevor fi inaintate electronic pe adresa de email mai sus mentionata pana la data 15.08.2015, iar in format scris (hartie) vor fi trimise de asociatii prin posta la dl. Vasile Liviu pe adresa Mun. Caransebes, str. G. Cosbuc, nr.6, jud. Caras Severin, C.P. 325400 pana la data 15.10.2015. Regulamentul si conditiile de participare la expozitia europeneana EE se pot descarca si ele la finalul acestui articol.

Alaturi de conditiile financiare mentionate in regulament nu uitam:

-vaccinarile obligatorii (Iepuri-contra RHD, Pasari Curte-La Sota, Porumbei-Paramixo-viroza) trebuiesc efectuate de medici autorizati care vor semna si stampila formularele definitive de inscriere
-la Pasari de curte si Porumbei – obligatoriu inele EE
-la Iepuri – tatuaj obligatoriu unitar conform prevederilor transmise asociatiilor

UGCPPAMR asigura transportul exponatelor la acest eveniment.

Persoana de contact din partea UGCPPAMR privind inscrierea animalelor la expozitia europeana EE Metz 2015 – dl. Vasile Liviu.

Pana la finalizarea dosarelor privind (in)validarea noii conduceri UGCPPAMR aleasa la ultima adunare generala, dosare aflate pe rol la instantele de judecata din judetul Timis, conducerea UGCPPAMR aflata in functie se va ocupa de organizarea expozitiei europene. Pentru buna functionare a UGCPPAMR si pentru a veni in sprijinul crescatorilor solicit membrilor Prezidiului sa-si indeplineasca atributiunile functionale, sa demonstreze in continuare ca pot fi reprezentanti meritorii si impartiali ai tuturor crescatorilor din tara. Sunt invitati sa participe alaturi de noi la expozitia europeana toti crescatorii din Romania.

Va asigur ca o sa fim o echipa unde toti suntem tratati cu respect si apreciere pentru a reprezenta la Metz cu succes Romania!

Va multumesc,
Ernestin GRUN
liviutticsa 17 February 2015  
La aceasta Europeana noi Romani sper sa facem o figura frumoasa.
licadanila 22 January 2015  
Cartile sunt de vanzare? M-ar interesa si pe mine STANDARDUL EUROPEAN LA IEPURI DE RASA si ATLAS RASE IEPURI. Cum pot intra in posesia acestor carti?
Va multumesc anticipat!
ClubIepuriGalati 22 January 2015  
Bună d-le Lică, standardele pe care le-am avut le-am distribuit la membrii asociației, mai demult, iar atlasul tot așa am achiziționat mai multe exemplare cu discount și le-am distribuit membrilor. Atlasul îl gasiți la vânzare cred pe internet, interesați-vă. Standardul este epuizat demult, s-a distribuit doar membrilor Uniunii.
ClubIepuriGalati 17 March 2014  

Adresa: Sos. Straulesti 87A, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Mobil: 0744-369-677 (Roxana Papo)
Mobil: 0744-366-818 (Neli Leonte)
Tel.: 0374-033-005 (Orange)
Tel.: 0372-943-198 (Vodafone)
Tel./Fax: 021-232-3929
Tel./Fax: 021-232-1054
E-mail: leonte@leonte.ro
Website: www.leonte.ro
Website: www.medalia.ro
Website: www.plachete.ro
Website: www.cupe-medalii-trofee-24h.ro
belo2011 25 December 2013  
-CRACIUN FERICIT-Tuturor membrilor clubului,conduceri-Sanatate
BRADMARIUS 22 December 2013  
Ok am inteles,dar in librari nu gasec asa ceva?ca mie imi trebuie aceasta carte ,va multumesc!!
adrianborcea 21 December 2013  
ClubIepuriGalati 22 December 2013  
Crăciun fericit ! Sărbători cu bine !
adrianborcea 21 December 2013  
bporumbeitippler 16 December 2013  
Bafta tuturor!
ClubIepuriGalati 22 December 2013  
Mulțumim la fel !
tilica 15 December 2013  
vand prelata pvc 6x6m si 2 buc de 6x3m
dinamovistu 12 November 2013  
Sala de sport MFA din orașul BOCȘA
29 noiembrie – 1 decembrie 2013
Vineri 9-18, Sâmbătă 9-18, Duminică 9-14
tilica 13 October 2013  
vand prelata pvc 10x5;10x2,5;5x4,5;3,2x4,5.tel 0724301956/0766693965
alinsv 1 June 2013  
sunt interesat de o carte cu standard european la iepuri de rasa multumesc
ClubIepuriGalati 1 June 2013  
A apărut de anul trecut un standard nou pentru iepuri de rasă, după care s-a arbitrat în decembrie 2012 la Campionatul European.
Din păcate în limba română încă nu s-a tradus.
dejdej 10 February 2013  
Uriasul Maghiar,este mentionat ca ...rasa si in :Cresterea Iepurilor de Casa ,de Liviu St.Rebreanu editura de vest, citez:
-La sfarsitul actualului secol au fost importate in Ungaria un numar nu prea mare de exemplare de iepuri din rasa Uriasul Belgian.
Fiind vorba de un numar relativ redus de iepuri din rasa amintita,exista pericolul consagvinizarii lor.
Pentru inlaturarea pericolului respectiv s-a procedat la incrucisarea Uriasului Belgian cu iepurii locali,obtinanduse o populatie de iepuri asemanatoare cu Uriasul Belgian,dar cu dimensiuni mai reduse.Populatia de iepuri astfel obtinuta a fost considerata ca fiind o noua rasa.
Pentru masivitatea populatiei respective s-au folosit reproducatori masculi importati direct din Belgia.Natural ca reproducatorii nu au putut actiona asupra tuturor femelelor din populatia de iepuri metisata. In felul acesta s-au diferentiat in timp,doua grupuri de indivizi,cu greutati corporale apropiate de ale Uriasului Belgian,iar altii de dimensiuni corporale mai reduse.Grupurile respective au fost considerate mai tarziu ca fiind varietati ale rasei........
Problema se pune (din punctul meu), daca nu cumva tot rezultatul acestei incrucisari s-ar putea clasifica ca fiind varietate a rasei si nu rasa in sine .
Si ma mai intreb daca nu cumva intre timp (de la momentul scrierii articolului,, respectiv recunoasterea in Ungaria a Uriasului Maghiar ca rasa)si pana in prezent ,U.M. mai figureaza inca ca rasa...
N-ar fi mai normal ca toate tarile (macar in cadrul unui continent) sa recunoasca aceleasi rase dupa acelasi standard?
sorindna 4 November 2012  
Cumpar Iepure Urias Maghiar ( femela pt. imperechere)
dejdej 22 December 2012  
Delectandu-ma cu fotografiile unor posesori de pagini sunphoto,intamplator ,in decurs de cateva minute ,am vazut anuntul Dumneavoastra postat de 3 sau daca nu de 4 ori pe 3 sau 4 pagini diferite (fara sa mai adaug postarea de pe pagina mea )!.,In primul rand cand cautati o pereche a unui iepure ce-l detineti,asigurati-va ca aveti idee ce iepure detineti cu adevarat ca sa stiti ce sa cautati!
Aceasta rasa (Urias Maghiar),nu apare oficial in nici o clasificare a iepurilor pe rase din nici o tara !
Crescatorii Maghiari ,in trecut au incrucisat exemplare din rasa Urias German cu exemplare Maghiare (cel mai probabil iepuri comuni) de unde au rezultat hibrizi cu trasaturi predominante ale Uriasului German.,iar hibrizii astfel obtinuti purtau numele (neoficial) de urias Maghiar !
In schimb dupa cum bine va atragea atentia si Domnul Lica Danila printr-un comentariu la unul dintre mesaje,Uriasul Maghiar e o rasa de porumbei!.
Sper sa nu-mi luati postarea in nume de rau!
ClubIepuriGalati 4 February 2013  
Uriașul maghiar este o rasă omologată de crescătorii unguri, la fel cum au făcut și crescătorii germani. Exact așa cum au procedat nemții la începutul secolului așa au procedat și ungurii, au importat reproducători de Uriaș belgian și au acționat asupra populațiilor de iepuri locale.
Caracterele morfologice ale Uriașului maghiar sunt asemănătoare cu ale Uriașului belgian...vezi Tehnologia creșterii iepurilor de casă, de Liviu Șt. Rebreanu, Editura Facla 1989.

La nivel european nu se mai fac diferențe fiindcă se știe istoricul și evoluția acestor rase.
Acum această rasă este denumită în standardul european 2012 - Uriașul gri și varietățile de culoare.
ClubIepuriGalati 27 October 2012  
--- LUNI 29 OCTOMBRIE 2012 LA LICEUL Vasile Alecsandri din GALAȚI ---!!!!

bundu 27 October 2012  
la ce pret un cleste cu cifre, litere si tus ?
ClubIepuriGalati 27 October 2012  
Vă interesați la SalcâmProd Brașov SRL, au și site, ei au clești pentru tatuaj - prețul îl negociați cu ei, au și pastă de tatuaj .
CanisaDeRomania 10 May 2012  
Duminica 20 mai,de la orele 10:30,in parcul Chindia din Targoviste va avea loc etapa Campionatului International al ciobanestilor romanesti.
Relatii la 0730533121 sau 0729900008
Cezar Osiceanu
Presedinte CNCCR
adibanici 16 April 2012  
Fie ca sfanta sarbatoare a Invierii Domnului sa-ti aduca cele 4 taine divine: incredere, lumina, iubire, speranta. Clipe de neuitat alaturi de cei dragi si numai realizari! Paste Fericit si Hristos A Inviat!
KARMA 28 March 2012  
Multumesc ..Cu respect..!!
castorrex 3 January 2012  
robertionut1 11 December 2011  
Schimb Chinchilla + custi profesionale cu linie automata de
apa pe Iepuri sau alte animale Tel 0744664113 Pitesti Arges
mihaiff 28 August 2011  
ClubIepuriGalati 23 July 2011  
Munca în echipă presupune în primul rând sa-ti pierzi jumatate din timp
explicându-le celorlalți de ce nu au dreptate.

(George Wolinski)
ClubIepuriGalati 6 June 2011  
Entente Européenne d’Aviculture et de Cuniculture
European Association for Poultry, Pigeon, Cage Bird,
Rabbit and cavy Breeders
Regulations for European Shows of the EE
1. Application
Every affiliated country can apply to stage a European show. A European
Show needs to include all sections (poultry, pigeons, cage birds, rabbits and cavies).
The show can be organised by one section of a national association, all combined
associations or a powerful local club from the affiliated country. The association will bear
all responsibilities for the exhibitors and the EE, which will be laid down in a contract to
be signed by aforementioned association and the EE. Responsibilities are non
transferable. Following a successful application to the EE, the show can then be
advertised as a European show. Each application must include details of venue and
date of the show.
The organisers of a European Show shall pay €1 per exhibit entered (national and
international exhibits) into the EE coffers. Ways of payment will be stipulated in the show
The applicant will accept all EE regulations connected to organising a European Show.
All legal aspects will be drawn up in a special show contract between the EE and the
show organisers. This contract may include additional terms, which can vary from show
to show.
If any legal obligations cannot be fulfilled, the applicant must inform the EE in writing. It
is at the EE Executive’s discretion to exempt the show organisers from one or more
The show organisation may elect its own committee, providing it does not act in
contravention of the contract. All committee members will wear badges showing their
names and functions.
The EE President and General Secretary have a vote and a seat on the show
committee. They will be invited to attend at least 2 meetings and all expenses will be
charged to the show committee.
The European Show will also host an EE- European Show for juvenile exhibitors. The
regulations for such a show will be stipulated in a separate set of rules.
The show organisers have to create a special website by 1. October of the previous
year, which will be updated constantly with all relevant information. From the date of the
annual convention of the year in which the European show takes place, all schedules
and entry forms have to be available from the aforementioned website.
The show catalogue and all title holders have to be uploaded on the aforementioned
website by the Saturday of the European show at the latest.Page 2 of 14
2. Fixtures
The date of the European Show should be set in such a way that it will not clash with
any of the traditional dates of the big, national shows. The best time would be between
the middle and the end of November.
Each affiliated country is to observe the rule that it cannot organise any international
shows on the same date as a European Show as well as within two weeks before or two
weeks after a European Show. Shows in border regions that have an international entry
of less than 500 exhibits are exempt.
No National shows in any affiliated country may be held on the same date as a
European Show as well as one week before or one week after a European Show.
Exceptions to this rule will be at the Executive’s discretion. If possible, National shows of
the organising country, are to be integrated into the European show.
3. Participation
Only exhibitors who are members of a national association that is affiliated to the EE
have a right to show at a European Show. A right to show for individual exhibitors does
not exist.
Exceptions to the above rule are at the EE Executive’s discretion
4. Breeds
All breeds and colours that are included in the European standard (rabbits and cavies)
and in the EE-Breeds’ List (pigeons and poultry) can be shown.
Stipulations for the Cage Bird section are drawn up in a separate set of Rules.
4.2 Cropped and docked poultry (except for ornamental fowl) and hairless cavies are
banned from European shows.
5. Identification of Exhibits
All exhibits must be identifiable through the identification scheme of their home nation.
Poultry and pigeons must wear closed rings. Rules of the individual affiliated countries
apply. Open rings are not allowed. Chick marks are allowed in the poultry section. The
maximum age of exhibits in the poultry and pigeon section shall be 6 years. (e.g. 2005-
ICage birds will be rung according to the rules of COM.
6. Entering Exhibits
The show organisers must request estimated figures of entry from each affiliated
country; the details are as follows:
a) estimated number of exhibits
b) estimated amount of exhibitors
c) contact person for each section
d) names and addresses of possible judges in each section in order of
priorityPage 3 of 14
This correspondence will constitute the official invitation and includes the first
information about the show. It must be available in all three official EE languages.
These invitations are sent to the Presidents of all affiliated associations by 30
November in the year prior to the show.
The estimated figures are to be sent to the show organisers by 31
March of the year in .
which the show is scheduled.
The schedules and entry forms for the show are handed out during the EE convention
per country and per section. Every entry form will be accompanied by important
information such as how the champions and championships are awarded. Those
countries that are not present at the convention will get the packages sent to them by
post. The definitive veterinary regulations are handed out at the same time.
The rules and regulations as well as the schedule, entry forms and information for the
European Show are to be put on the websites of the European Show and the European
Association prior to the annual EE convention in that year.
Cavies and Cage Birds can be penned a day later, reducing the judging to just one day.
The entry closing date will be set by the show organisers and the EE-Executive in such
a way that confirmation of the entry (Form B) is back in the hands of the contact person
of the participating country at least 3 weeks prior to the day of penning. The official
health forms are to be sent with Form B at the same time. The entry has to be made in
one of the three official EE languages.
The entries are made by the contact person of one section in each country. A contact
person can be responsible for more than one section.
7. Contact Persons
The show organisers must request the addresses of all contact persons in a letter to the
Presidents of all affiliated associations by 30
November in the year prior to the .
European show. The addresses of all affiliated associations will be sent to the show
organisers electronically by 1. September of the previous year at the latest.
The details of the contact persons have to be in the hands of the show organisers by
.March at the latest .
The rights and responsibilities of contact persons are laid down in separate rules.
As soon as the contact persons have been announced to the show organisers by the
affiliated countries, all correspondence regarding exhibits and exhibitors will be
conducted with the contact person.
The show organisers appoint a qualified and competent spokesperson for each section.
These people will be available to all contact persons for queries and information before
and during the European Show.Page 4 of 14
Each country that takes part in the European show can appoint a contact person. If one
section enters more than 100 exhibits, it can appoint a contact person of its own.
All contact persons are entitled to expenses from the show organisers. Expenses will be
paid for board and lodging for the time between penning and lifting of the exhibits. The
amount to be paid to the contact persons as well as all judges will be stipulated in the
show contract. The contact person’s expenses will be paid during the show.
Contact persons who officiate as judges at the same show will receive no expenses for
contact persons for the days they are judging, but will be in receipt of judges’ expenses
(arrival, departure day and judging days)
If the total amount of exhibits of a country or section is less than 100, the contact person
will receive a percentage of his expenses according to the amount of exhibits.
Each contact person will receive a badge from the show organisers, showing their name
and function, upon arrival at the show. This badge allows them unlimited and free
access to the exhibition centre, car parks and show.
From 200 exhibits upwards per country and section an additional badge will be handed
out for one helper for every 200 further exhibits
All official contact persons will have an office at their disposal.
8. EE-Executive
The EE President and the General Secretary represent all EE interests to the show
organisers. They will conduct all preliminary tasks and negotiations with the show
organisers. The results of all negotiations have to be approved by the EE-Executive
before they come into force.
All expenses for travelling, accommodation and full board that EE Executive members
(including the EE Honorary President) incur whilst carrying out their tasks will be paid by
the show organisers.
Precise details of these expenses will be incorporated in the show contract.
The EE-President and General Secretary, on behalf of the Executive, have to make sure
that all show regulations are adhered to by the show organisers.
They have to be especially convinced that all printed matter for the preparation of the
show and the judging books are worthy of a European show.
The EE President and the General Secretary have to be present at the show from
penning the exhibits until lifting time.
The Section Presidents have to be present for the duration of the show from the first day
of judging to the close of the show. They have to be available to the show organisers in
case of queries regarding judging and championships.
The EE- Executive will have a spacious room at its disposal for the duration of the show,
which is big enough to hold meetings and discussions. The room must be adequately
furnished and have internet access.Page 5 of 14
The members of the EE Executive have to be officially invited as guests of honour for
the official opening as well as the social evening. All formalities will be stipulated in the
show contract.
Each member of the Executive will receive a badge from the show organisers, showing
their name and function upon arrival at the show. This badge allows them unlimited and
free access to the exhibition centre, car parks and show.
9. Exhibiting
The order in which the breeds are penned is decided by the sections. Each section will
draw up a special list to this effect.
Accepted are:
a) Single entries of poultry, pigeons, cage birds, rabbits and cavies.
b) Ornamental fowl in pairs.
c) Collection entries (4 exhibits of one breed and colour) poultry, pigeons,
rabbits and cavies. Each collection contains both sexes.
d) The cage bird section will draw up its own regulations, which can be adapted
at all times. The regulations have to be available at the EE convention of the
year prior to the European Show so that they can be perused and approved
by the Executive and the show organisers.
e) In the event that a national show of the host nation is incorporated in the
European Show, the championats will be awarded solely according to the EE
f) Exhibits not covered by the above five EE-sections, must obtain special
permission from the EE-Executive prior to exhibition.
Rabbit collections are penned consecutively with the sexes randomly placed. The
rabbits are penned according to breed and colour.
Colours that have not been listed on the entry form will be judged, but cannot compete
for specials.
10. Specials
European Champion (collections)
Poultry, Ornamental fowl, Pigeons and Rabbits
This title is awarded as follows:
10.1 a
The best collection (see Art. 9.1 b) in each breed from all colours will win the title
‘European Champion’, provided that at least 4 collections from 2 countries and 3
exhibitors have been entered in that class.
The best collection is worked out on the total amount of points gained by the four
individual exhibits. Page 6 of 14
In order to win the ‘European Champion’ title, a collection must have gained at least 376
10.1 b
If two or more collections tie with the same points’ total, all exhibitors will win the
‘European Champion’ title.
10.1 c
In the case of equal points, further titles will be awarded even if only one collection is
entered in the relevant colour as the basic conditions (see Art. 10.1 a) have been
10.1 d
In the event of individual colours fulfilling the prerequisites (i.e. at least 4 collections from
2 countries and 3 exhibitors) more ‘European Champion’ titles will be awarded in that
breed and colour.
10.1 e
All exhibitors, that tie for equal points, will be awarded the European Champion title.
Ornamental Fowl
10.1 f
A collection of ornamental fowl will consist of 2 pairs of birds of the same breed and
colour. In order to win the ‘European Champion’ title, a collection must have gained at
least 188 points.
Cage Birds
10.1 g
The Cage Birds section will draw up a special set of rules for the award of ‘European
Champion’, conform Art. 9.1 c.
10.1 h
The best collection title will be awarded in each of the three groups, namely smooth,
rough and long coated, provided there are 12 exhibits present. The best collection will
be awarded the title in descending order, according to art. 10.1m
10.1 i
In order to win the ‘European Champion’ title, a collection must have gained at least 376
10.1 k
In the event of individual groups fulfilling the prerequisites of 12 more exhibits, further
‘European Champion’ titles will be awarded in that breed and colour.
10.1 l
In the event of individual breeds fulfilling the prerequisites of 12 more exhibits, further
‘European Champion’ titles will be awarded in that breed and colour.Page 7 of 14
10.1 m
The title will be awarded to the best 4 exhibits in one group, breed and colour of one
exhibitor and both sexes are represented.
10.1 n
If two or more collections tie with the same points’ total, all exhibitors will win the
‘European Champion’ title. The winners are calculated by PC.
10.1 m
The title-holders will be presented with a certificate in all sections. This certificate shall
bear the name of the venue and the date of the European Show, the name of the
exhibitor as well as the breed and colour of the exhibit. The format for the certificate is
European Championship (single exhibits)
Poultry, Pigeons and Rabbits
This title is awarded as follows:
10.2 a
The title ‘European Championship’ will be awarded to breeds with at least 20 entries.
The best exhibit will win the award, regardless of its sex.
The title ‘European Championship’ can be awarded if the exhibit has gained a minimum
of 95 points or the marks “SG” –“very good”.
10.2 b
If individual colours within the breed fulfil the prerequisites (i.e. at least 20 exhibits) more
‘European Championship’ titles will be awarded in this colour.
10.2 c
If more than 40 exhibits have been entered within one breed, the best male as well as
the best female will be awarded a ‘European Championship’ title.
If more than 40 exhibits have been entered within one breed and one colour (see Art.
10.2 c), the best male as well as the best female will be awarded the ‘European
Championship’ title in that one colour.
10.2 e
The allocation of European Championship titles for poultry, pigeons and rabbits are
prepared by the international jury (Art. 11). Placing the awards of the ‘European
Championship’ titles can be passed on to the head judges.
Ornamental Fowl
10.2 f
In the event that a minimum of 10 pairs have been entered, the title European
Championship will be awarded to the best pair, if a minimum score of 95 points has
been gained.Page 8 of 14
Cage Birds
10.2 g
Placing the awards of the ‘European Championship’ titles in the Cage Bird section will
be stipulated in special regulations, conform Art. 9.1.d and supervised by the section’s
10.2 h
A European Championship will be awarded to every Best of Breed, provided there are at
least 12 exhibits in that breed. The title will be awarded to either sex.
In order to win the ‘European Championship’ title, the exhibit must have gained at least
“Very Good” / 95 points.
10.2 i
In the event of individual breeds fulfilling the prerequisites of 12 more exhibits, further
‘European Championship’ titles will be awarded in that breed and/or colour.
10.2 k
In the event of individual breeds having more than 24 exhibits, the best male as well as
the best female exhibit will be awarded a European Championship.
10.2 l
In the event of individual colours having more than 24 exhibits, fulfilling the rules in Art.
10.2.i, the best male as well as the best female exhibit will be awarded a European
Championship as well.
Rare Breeds
10.3 a
To enable rare breeds to win European Championships titles for collections and
European Champions for single entries, the rules appertaining to the number of exhibits
and exhibitors will not be applied as strictly.
10.3 b
In order to promote rare breeds, the section President has the option to combine several
breeds into one group of more than 20 exhibits in the poultry, pigeon and rabbit sections
and at least 12 exhibits in the cavy section. The best exhibit or the best collection of this
group will be awarded the title ‘European Championship’ or ‘European Champion’.
The section cage birds will make provisions for this in their special regulations, conform
Art. 9.1. d.
10.3 c
The section Presidents base their decisions on the existing lists of Rare Breeds.
Other specials
EE MedalsPage 9 of 14
10.4 a
The EE donates one EE-medal per 400 exhibits in each section. These medals will be
allocated for distribution to the head judges. The head judges will award these medals in
cooperation with the judges before any other specials are awarded. The awards will be
written down on the judges’ awards list.
The awards are made irrespective of the country of origin of the exhibits.
10.4 b
A maximum of one medal can be awarded within one breed.
If more than 400 exhibits have been entered within one breed, further EE medals will be
awarded for every 400 more exhibits.
Specials donated by the show organisers
10.4 c
The show organisers must donate at least one special on every 10 exhibits in each
section. The minimum value of this special has to correspond to the cost of the entry
Donated specials
10.4 d
Specials donated by authorities, associations, clubs or private persons have to be added
to the list of specials. The show organisers will distribute these specials equally over all
sections and breeds. They will be indicated ‘Special Award’ SE.
10.4 e
These specials conform Art. 10.4 c und 10.4 d will be awarded solely by the judges.
10.4 f
Each exhibit should not be awarded more than 1 special, with the exception of the
exhibit that has won a European Championship title and which will be awarded one
extra special.
Exhibitors’ Medals and Specials
10.5 a
Every exhibitor that makes an entry of at least 4 exhibits in one section will be given an
exhibitors' souvenir medal (exhibitors' medal). This medal cannot be handed out if the
exhibits are absent.
10.5 b
A souvenir medal will also be given to all judges when they collect their expenses.
11. Judging of Exhibits
All exhibits from the Poultry, Pigeon, Rabbit and Cavy sections are judged to the
European Standard. If a particular breed is not listed in there, the standard of the
country from which the breed has been entered will be used. The show organisers and
the chairman of the Standards Committee have to ensure that an extensive description
is available in one of the official languages for those breeds that are not included in the
European standard. The Cage Bird section has its own Rules.Page 10 of 14
12. Appointing Judges
Poultry, Pigeons, Rabbits and Cavies
Preliminary Engagement
Once the estimated numbers of exhibits have been received, the show organisers have
to contact the suggested judges in writing by the 30th. April. Information about the
method of judging and judges’ fees has to be included.
If no correspondence to the contrary is received from the judges within 4 weeks, the
preliminary engagement under the mutually agreed stipulations, will stand.
An official preliminary engagement does not, however, constitute a guarantee to judge.
The judges are primarily recruited on their technical knowledge and their ability to speak
more than one language.
Judges that have attended at least 2 EE-Judges’ Seminars are preferred, when all
requirements under Art. 12.2 are fulfilled as well. Judges are principally expected to
judge 160 exhibits, but this rule only applies if the stipulations under Art. 12.2 and 12.3
are fulfilled.
Fractions of the abovementioned amount of exhibits do not entitle to supplying a further
Foreign judges that are proposed by a specialist club from the host nation will be seen
as host nation judges.
The appointed judges must be able to speak one of the three official EE languages or
the host nation’s language. To aid communication with judges that only speak the host
nation’s language (not English, French or German), the show organisers have to supply
enough interpreters that are able to translate into one of the three EE-languages.
According to the rules, all participating associations have to confirm their chosen judges
with the show organisers at the same time as sending in the entry forms. The show
organisation will issue a form for that purpose. The names, addresses, telephone and
mobile numbers of the judges are filled in on this form.
Other details, such as whether the judge is a specialist judge for certain breeds or can
be employed in the breed groups of the pigeon and poultry sections should also be
One form is filled in for each judge.
Members of the EE Standards Committees are automatically engaged as judges and do
not fall under the above rules. A special head judge will be engaged for the security of
animal welfare and health.
Each judge will receive a confirmation of engagement, accompanied by the breeds that
are to be judged, information about hotel accommodation, a diary of events and all
details of judges’ expenses. A special expenses claims form will be included.Page 11 of 14
The workload of each judge is established between the show organisers and the section
President. Differences of opinion are solved by the section President’s casting vote.
The show organisers have to invite all appointed judges to a judges’ meeting on the
evening before the day of judging. The meeting will be chaired by the section President
for the jury and the head judges. Each section is allocated one room in which the judges
receive their information and tuition.
It is imperative that all members of the international juries, head judges and judges
attend this meeting. Those that do not attend will not be in receipt of their travelling
expenses to the show nor their first night’s hotel accommodation. Any absentees from
this meeting will be reported immediately to the show organisers by the section
President. Apologies for absence will only be dealt with in extreme circumstances.
The judges are instructed on the amount of specials to be awarded as well as the rules
governing these awards before judging commences.
Each judge will receive a badge from the show organisers, showing their name and
function upon arrival at the show. This badge allows them unlimited and free access to
the exhibition centre, car parks and show.
13. For Sale Section
Each exhibitor has the right to put exhibits up for sale and will inform the show
organisers of the selling price.
Under normal circumstances the sale prices are indicated in Euros. The seller receives
90% of the sale price and the buyer pays an extra 10% on top of the sale price. The sale
price is indicated by the vendor in the catalogue.
Sold exhibits may be lifted as soon as the sale has been completed and rules will be
drawn up by the show organisers on how to remove the exhibits from the hall.
Taxes and possible customs’ charges will be charged to the buyer and paid for by the
show organisers.
A list will be compiled of all exhibits sold and several copies of this list will be handed out
to all contact persons prior to lifting time. The list will clearly state how many and which
exhibits have been sold from that particular country and that all taxes have been paid.
The monies for all sold exhibits from foreign exhibitors (90% of the published price) must
be in the hands of all contact persons within 30 days after the show at the latest.
All prize monies have to be transferred to the same accounts within the 30 days period
and the contact persons will be given a list of all winners and their specials prior to their
departure from the show.Page 12 of 14
14. Veterinary and Customs Regulations
The veterinary and customs’ regulations as well as the schedule and entry forms must
be handed out to all affiliated countries at the EE Convention. It is preferable that all
veterinary checks and customs’ clearance is carried out at the show hall rather than at
the border crossing. All personnel at official border crossings into the host nation as well
as their veterinarians must be informed of the forthcoming animal transports. If
difficulties arise, a representative of the show must travel to the border in order to assist
all contact persons with clearance. Charges made by customs for group transports will
be borne by the show organisers.
A special import licence issued by the official or border veterinarian for each section is to
be sent to the contact person with the B-Forms. An appropriate health certificate issued
by an official veterinarian has to accompany each transport for the return journey. These
certificates are handed out to all contact persons by Saturday at the latest. All connected
costs will be borne by the show organisers.
The required CITES-forms for the importation of certain bird species have to be acquired
by the show organisers and must be sent to all contact persons along with the B forms.
Relevant information will be issued by the section’s President.
15. Penning and Feeding
The preferred option for penning is single tier. Exceptions to this rule will be stipulated
between the EE Executive and the show organisers in the special show contract.
The exhibits are housed in suitable and disinfected pens. Every pen has to contain at
least one disinfected water- and feed trough. The exhibits have to be fed on the day of
arrival. Feeds must be suitable for the individual exhibits. All feed and water troughs
have to be filled before arrival of the exhibits in the poultry and pigeon sections. The
croppers in the pigeon section have to be fed accordingly.
16. Liability
The organising association of each European Show is liable for all damages and
shortcomings in accordance with the stipulations in the special show contract.
Compensation is paid (four times the entry fee) for all dead exhibits if the show
organisers or their helpers can be held responsible. No other indemnification will apply.
The show organisers can only acquit themselves from blame by supplying proof to the
Illegal practices, thefts of animals or profound indecencies are to be reported
immediately to the EE President by the chairman of the international jury. As the EE
cannot sanction against individual people, these practices will be reported to the Page 13 of 14
president of the affiliated association in question; only these are ultimately responsible
for any sanctions.
There is no legal position between the EE and the show organisers, only between the
show organisers and the exhibitors. The EE can therefore never be held liable for
financial losses or damages of any kind.
17. Country Stands
The show organisers will supply the EE and all exhibiting nations with a stand free of
charge. These stands have to be erected at a central place where the public can
17.2 The stands have to measure 4 x 3 meters at least and must contain one back and
two side panels. The front is open with a counter under which storage space is built in.
The minimal equipment further includes an electricity supply, a round table and 4 chairs,
also free of charge.
Some country stands can be made larger and be installed with extra equipment at a
charge. Information on this will be supplied to all affiliated countries as part of the
schedule and entry forms package.
One extra badge per section will be given to the people that will man the country stand.
The contact person will inform the show organisers of the names of these stand people
at the time the entries are sent in.
18. General
Badges are issued to:
ÿ EE-Executive including Spouse or Partner
ÿ Contact persons and further Helpers, conform Art. 7.4
ÿ Judges
ÿ Country stand holders, conform Art. 17.4
The show organisers will compile a precise list of all legitimate badge holders. All people
entitled to a badge will be advised by the show organisers where they can claim their
Those not belonging to any of the aforementioned officials’ groups are not entitled to a
badge and have to buy an entry ticket.
18.3Page 14 of 14
If necessary, all badge holders will enter the exhibition hall, through a specially
designated entrance.
19. Evaluation
The show organisers have to send a written evaluation of the European Show to the EE
President at least two weeks before the EE convention. A verbal report has to be
delivered to the Annual General Meeting.
20. Final Regulations
Any other rules that are not contained in these regulations, will be incorporated in the
special show contract between the EE Executive and the show organisers.
All rules with regard to European Shows that are incorporated in the EE-Constitution are
binding and superordinate to these Rules and Regulations.
All descriptions with regard to persons or functions in these regulations are valid for both
men and women, conforming to the principles of the Sex Discrimination Act.
In case of possible lingual discrepancies caused by translation into English and French,
the German text will always prevail.
These Regulations were established on the 4
/ day of June 2011 in Balatonalmadi .
Hungary and passed by the Annual General Meeting of the EE and came into effect
Balatonalmadi, 4
June 2011 .
Entente Européenne EE
Urs Freiburghaus Gion P. Gross
President General Secretary
mig81 26 May 2011  
cat costa un cleste cu toate accesorile?
MarcelBalan 26 May 2011  
Puteți lua legătura cu firma Salcamprod din Brașov........
Arrubium 29 April 2011  
Ofer spre vanzare,doi masculi de argintiu francez si o femela de urias chinchila(arbitrata in expo).
Fiecare exemplar are varsta de 13 luni,pentru membrii asociatiei reducere 50%
MarcelBalan 1 May 2011  
Rasa e Chinchilla mare.
Deși unii pot confunda din cauza denumirii această rasă cu o rasă mare, Chinchilla mare ( Rase de iepuri pag.41) este o rasă mijlocie iar greutatea maximă în standard e de 5,500 kg.
Această rasă nu trebuie confundată cu exemplarele de Uriaș de culoare chinchilla, ce pot ajunge până la greutăți de 7-11,5 kg.
De asemenea există și rasa Chinchilla mică (Rase de iepuri, pag. 54 )cu o greutate maximă până la 3,250 kg.
Foarte frumos gestul ! Doritorii pe fază !
ClubIepuriGalati 10 April 2011  
Vremea in Galati

Actualizata la 2:04 PM
Temperatura: 9 °C
Vant: NW la 17 km/h
Umiditate: 46 %
Presiune atmosferica: 1008 mb
Vizibilitate: 16 km

widget Vremea pe site-ul tau !

Prognoza meteo pe 15 zile pentru Galati

Duminica, 10 Aprilie 2011
Variable cloudiness with a couple of showers; bree
Temperatura minima: 0 °C
Temperatura maxima: 10 °C

Luni, 11 Aprilie 2011
Variable cloudiness with a passing shower; breezy
Temperatura minima: 0 °C
Temperatura maxima: 9 °C

Marti, 12 Aprilie 2011
Cool; a morning shower in spots followed by occasi
Temperatura minima: 2 °C
Temperatura maxima: 11 °C

Miercuri, 13 Aprilie 2011
Cloudy; a couple of showers in the morning followe
Temperatura minima: 7 °C
Temperatura maxima: 15 °C

Joi, 14 Aprilie 2011
Cooler with rain
Temperatura minima: 2 °C
Temperatura maxima: 9 °C

Vineri, 15 Aprilie 2011
Temperatura minima: 2 °C
Temperatura maxima: 13 °C

Sambata, 16 Aprilie 2011
Periods of rain
Temperatura minima: 3 °C
Temperatura maxima: 13 °C

Duminica, 17 Aprilie 2011
Clouds and sun
Temperatura minima: 5 °C
Temperatura maxima: 15 °C

Luni, 18 Aprilie 2011
Mostly cloudy
Temperatura minima: 6 °C
Temperatura maxima: 17 °C

Marti, 19 Aprilie 2011
Periods of rain
Temperatura minima: 7 °C
Temperatura maxima: 18 °C

Miercuri, 20 Aprilie 2011
Cooler with rain
Temperatura minima: 8 °C
Temperatura maxima: 14 °C

Joi, 21 Aprilie 2011
Considerable cloudiness
Temperatura minima: 6 °C
Temperatura maxima: 16 °C

Vineri, 22 Aprilie 2011
Considerable cloudiness
Temperatura minima: 8 °C
Temperatura maxima: 18 °C

Sambata, 23 Aprilie 2011
Mostly cloudy
Temperatura minima: 10 °C
Temperatura maxima: 22 °C

Duminica, 24 Aprilie 2011
Temperatura minima: 8 °C
Temperatura maxima: 21 °C
floringiusca 27 March 2011  
Da aş dori şi eu un exemplar.Şi banii o să vii aduc eu peste 2 săptămâni când vin la Galaţi.
ClubIepuriGalati 27 March 2011  
Da, voi opri un exemplar din standard, voiam o confirmare.
aviatorul 12 March 2011  
Buna seara!Confirm prezenta la sedinta din data de 19.03.2011!Cu stima
ClubIepuriGalati 30 June 2011  
Regulament de participare la concursuri si de arbitrare Iepuri

Arbitrarea se face în baza Standardului European pentru Iepuri de casă 2010.

Caracteristici Generale

Condiţii de înscriere în concurs

Pentru participarea la competiţii şi a putea fi evaluat, animalul participant trebuie să fie sănătos, tatuat conform normelor adoptate şi aparţinând unei rase menţionate în cadrul Standardului European pentru Iepuri de casă 2010.


Animalele netatuate conform normelor adoptate de către conducerea secţiei Iepuri a UGCPPAM, bolnave sau care sunt depistate de către comisia de primire a animalelor cu răceli, paraziţi, alte boli transmisibile, vor fi eliminate din competiţie de către comisia de primire sau de către evaluator.

Orice alte criterii de apreciere care sunt înafara celor adoptate în cadrul Standardului European pentru Iepuri de casă 2010 nu sunt acceptate în competiţie.

Orice încercare de a păcăli evaluatorul prin modificarea înfăţişării iniţiale a animalului (de exemplu prin vopsirea ghearelor, vopsirea petelor de altă culoare, tăierea vârfului părului) va fi sancţionată prin eliminarea din competiţie nu doar aanimalului în cauză ci a tuturor animalelor acelui concurent. Punctajul obţinut până în acel moment va fi declarat nul.

Criteriile de arbitrare

Evaluarea animalului de către arbitru se face în baza acordării punctajului după criteriile stabilite fiecărei rase.

Sistemul de apreciere de 100 de puncte are la bază o schemă unică cu şapte poziţii:

Tipul şi Forma corpului
Trăsături specifice rasei
Sănătate şi îngrijire
Evaluarea trebuie să aibă loc doar în condiţii asemănătoare luminii zilei.

Pentru a beneficia de o evaluare corectă din partea unui arbitru acestuia nu i se vor atribui mai mult de 60 de animale de evaluat. Pentru completarea corectă a fişei de arbitrare este responsabil evaluatorul. Fişa de arbitrare este un document oficial, prin urmare nu este permisă radierea. Completările greşite vor fi tăiate, urmând să fie scris deasupra varianta corectă.

În vederea evaluării se va stabili pentru fiecare din cele 7 poziţii un punctaj. La final se va acorda un calificativ. Pentru stabilirea acestuia se vor lua în calcul punctele acordate la fiecare poziţie în parte.Acele animale care pentru o anumită poziţie, exceptând poziţia nr. 2-Greutate, nu primesc punctajul minim de 50%, nu vor fi punctate mai departe.

Eliminarea se va argumenta şi trebuie acceptată de către preşedintele competiţiei.Dacă nu există decât un arbitru atunci acesta poate lua hotărârea de excludere singur.

În ceea ce priveşte punctajul final, acesta va fi afişat în întregime, atât calificativul obţinut cât şi numărul de puncte obţinut.

Punctajul 97-100 şi calificativul excepţional pot fi acordate doar în cadrul expoziţiilor unde există cel puţin doi arbitrii, deoarece pentru această recunoaştere este necesară confirmarea unui preşedinte, respectiv unui al doilea evaluator.

Evaluarea se face conform următorului tabel de punctare:

Sub 90 de puncte-necorespunzător
90-91,5 puncte-corespunzător
92-93.5 puncte-bine
94-95,5 puncte-foarte bine
96-96,5 puncte-remarcabil
97-100 puncte-excepţional
Evaluarea animalelor tinere

Animalele tinere pot fi prezentate dela vârsta de 4 până la 8 luni şi vor fi evaluate ţinânduse cont de vârstă (exprimată prin tatuaj specific), de caracteristicile dezvoltării formei specifice a corpului, părului, stadiul de îngrijire, culoare şi desen, în măsura în care aceasta este constatabilă.

Animalele tinere primesc doar o evaluare totală exprimată prin următoarele note:

La 5 observaţii pozitive - foarte bine 7
La 4 observaţii pozitive - foarte bine 6
La 3 observaţii pozitive - foarte bine 5
La 2 observaţii pozitive - foarte bine 4
La 1 observaţii pozitive - foarte bine 3
La o observaţie pozitivă şi una negativă - bine 2
La o observaţie negativă - bine 1
La 2 observaţii negative - bine 0
La 3 şi mai multe observaţii negative - satisfăcător 0
balanescu 1 March 2011  
Târg internațional pentru industria alimentară si a ambalajelor.
Bucuresti, Bucuresti
23-27 Martie 2011
indagra-food@romexpo.ro, www.indagra-food.ro
adrianborcea 22 February 2011  
Va salut si va doresc sanatate si spor la treaba!
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